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The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 127: Robin C

Robin? Where aaare yooou?


There you are! I was just...Oh! (You're sleeping... ?)

Snnnrk! Zzzzzzz...

(You must really be wiped out. Not that I blame you, getting wrapped up in all this.)

(Hee hee! Looks like it's time to quiiietly... geeently... hold your nose!

Nh... gnnkh... nnrrrgh... ! BWARGH! Wha-?! Risen! Wolves! Risen riding wolves! They're... all... Wait a moment...

Hee hee hee hee hee! AAAAH ha ha ha ha! "BWARGH"?! Oh gods, that was HILARIOUS! Heeeee hee hee hee hee!

Lissa, gods bless it... I was fast asleep!

And dreaming of Risen and wolves, apparently? Tee hee hee! I'm sorry, I tried to resist-I really did. But it was just to perfect!

Who does such things? Is that really how your parents raised you?!

...I...I don't know... I never really knew my parents...

Oh... Oh, right. That was... Er...

Oh, don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean anything by it. And actually, there's something else that I should be apologizing for...

Whatever it is, I'm sure I can forget it if you can forgive my heartless comment...

Really? That's great! Oh, I was SO sure you were going to be SO angry... See, I was kinda doodling a pic of you in your big, new book of battle strategies... ...Aaand then I kinda spilled the ink and kinda... ruined the book, kinda... completely. Ireallyreallyreallydidn'tmeanto!

WHAT?! But that was a rare text! I had just started to...

...Er, *ahem* I mean... It's... It's fine. Accidents... happen.

Oooh pheeew!